EXPATS GAMES presented by eventime is the largest socio-sports meeting of Czechs and expatriates, their families and friends living in Czech Republic. This special event is held on Saturday 25 May 2013 in the grounds of the Czech Agricultural University in Prague 6 – Suchdol. The aim of this project is to create multicultural space for people from different countries, for which Czech Republic is the current home. We bring an event full of sport and culture activities also focused on traditions, habits and interests of all participant countries surrounded by Czech Republic.
We are looking forward for a extraodinary sport and social event !
For more information please visit our website www.expatsgames.com.
For overall information and partnership of Expats Games, please contact Mr. Jan Plachy, jan.plachy@eventime.cz, tel: +420 607 852 540
For media and PR activities concerning Expats Games, please contact us under press@expatsgames.com or call +420 222 530 485.
Přihlášky jsou již otevřeny. Více informací o této jedinečné akci najdete na http://www.sportovky-letni.cz.
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Mládežnický fotbalový turnaj pro kategorie U10 - U13 hraný 21. a 22. června 2014 v Nymburce.
Více informací na http://www.bohemiasoccercup.cz
International Youth Football Tournament in June 2014
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